Cameron Highland

Cameron Highlands is the smallest district in Pahang which is located  in the north- western corner of the state. One of the most popular hill  resort in the country, this highland destination still retains much of  the charm of an English village. Although massive development in the  last decade has changed the landscape of the highlands, it remains a  popular destination for those who wanting to escape the hot weather of  the lowlands.

Being the primary agricultural region of the nation, you will find an  abundance of vegetable farms dotted all over the highlands. Cameron  Highlands is also the leading producer of flowers and tea in Malaysia.  Be prepared for a lovely sight of tea plantations and beautiful flowers  you won’t see flourishing elsewhere in Malaysia.

Located on the Titiwangsa Range at about 1500 metres above sea-level,  the temperature here can drop to 16 ˚C or lower at certain times. The  weather here remains at the lower to mid 20′s most of the time. Cameron  Highlands is made up of 4 main townships followed by smaller settlements  at different elevations. The first town from the south is Ringlet,  followed by Tanah Rata, Brinchang, Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla and  Kampung Raja.


If you’re taking the old road via Tapah, this is the first town you  will reach after the 1 hour drive through the rainforest. Located at an  elevation of 1,200 metres above sea-level, Ringlet is one of the main  agricultural hub for the highlands. There is nothing much to do here for  the typical tourist besides stopping for fuel as this is one of the  towns with petrol stations. Bertam Valley which is located about 5km  away is one of the main flower and vegetable producers in Cameron  Highlands. The new road from Sungai Koyan and Raub which opened in 2012  goes through Bertam Valley and ends up here in Ringlet. The nearest  hotel is the LakeHouse which is less then 5 minutes drive from here.

Tanah Rata

The heart of Cameron Highlands is indeed its administrative township  called Tanah Rata which is highly popular among the foreign tourists.  Nestled at an elevation of 1,440 metres (4,720 ft) with a daily  temperature range from 19 to 26 degrees Celsius, the development in this  area has been under control until the recent years where you can see  more buildings coming up.

The name “tanah rata” actually means flat ground in the Malay  language and it refers to the relatively flat area on which the town is  located amidst the surrounding hills and mountain peaks. Being slightly  laidback but with access to everything you need, this is where most of  the guesthouses which caters to backpackers and the yuppie crowd are  located.

Tanah Rata has banks, bars, money changers, sundry shops, cyber  cafes, tour counters, restaurants, fast food outlets and even a  Starbucks cafe. Visitors often choose to explore the surrounding  sub-mountain forest here as there are numerous jungle trails with  varying lengths and difficulties conveniently accessed from this area.

Some trails that are popular include the Trail Number 4 from Parit  Falls among others leading to mountain peaks such as Gunung Beremban  (1,812m), Gunung Mentigi (1,535m), Gunung Perdah (1,551m) and Gunung  Jasar (1,670m). All jungle walks here are numbered and can be easily  referenced from tourist maps available from shops, cafes and hotels  around town


Brinchang which is a bustling township in Cameron Highlands is  located five kms from Tanah Rata. It is the second largest township of  Cameron Highlands but it is the busiest  attracting a large number of  local tourists on weekends and public holidays.

The popular night market is located here and its open on weekends,  school holidays and public holidays. You can get highland produce,  non-highlands produce, local street food, soft toys and fruits from the  night market. The town has a numerous restaurants serving Chinese, Malay  and Indian cuisine and a range of budget and medium ranged  hotels. Being located slightly higher and close to most of the  attractions, Brinchang has become a popular place to star for mostly  local tourist.

Many  vegetable farms, flower nurseries and fruit orchards are  located close to this town and some popular tourist spots here include  Cactus Valley and the Big Red Strawberry Farm.

Kea Farm

Beyond Brinchang, you will see a lot of tourist attractions like  the Time Tunnel Gallery, Markets, FLower Nurseries and Fruit Stalls  along the road to Kea Farm.

Kea Farm which used to be a small farming village and the only  vegetable market used to be located here in the 80s and early 90s. In  the recent years, this area has seen a lot of big developments like the  Aranda Nova Shopping Centre. More developments are making its way here  and it is starting to become its own township. The Copthorne Hotel  is located here and it can be considered the highest elevation of any  other hotels in Cameron Highlands.

The road to the Sungai Palas tea plantation also branches out from  here and you can take this small road all the way to the factory while  enjoying the breathtaking view of the plantation.

Tringkap, Kuala Terla & Kampung Raja

Beyond Kea Farm, the elevation drops all the way to Blue Valley. Most  of the tourist spots are located around this route. This is where you  will find the markets, vegetable farms, flower gardens, bee gardens and  butterfly gardens.

The first town on this route is Tringkap which is a small farming  community where you can see lots of pickup trucks and old land rovers  parked along the road. A few restaurants and shops catering to the local  community can be found here.

Fifteen minutes away is Kuala Terla, another small farming community  with a similar look as Tringkap. Kuala Terla is one of the big  Agricultural regions of the highlands after Bertam Valley and  Ringlet.

Kampung Raja is the last town on the map and this town is getting its  share of development. This is also a primarily an agricultural town and  most of the businesses here cater to the local residents. Since the  opening of the Simpang Pulai road, this town has become the gateway to  the highlands from the north.

Blue Valley which used to be at the tip of the highlands and was the  most remotest area before the 90's is now accessible via the two new  roads to the highlands. The Simpang Pulai Road takes you to Ipoh while  the  Gua Musang Road takes you to the East Coast.